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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Never late is better: 7 ways to stay punctual

Is being more time efficient one of your new year’s resolutions? Or doyou simply want to stop being late for school or work? Here are a few simpleand doable tips to help save you a couple of precious minutes in the morning.

1.     Go to bed early.
That’s a given. But if you can’t help staying up late or if you are the typewho keeps pressing the snooze button, move your alarm clock out of your bedsidetable and keep it a few feet out of reach. This way, you’ll really have to getup to switch the alarm off.

2.     Have everything ready the night before.
Keep your keys, wallet, cell phone, etc., ready and in a specific andaccessible place. You wouldn’t want to be wasting time looking for your officeID at the last minute.

3.     Minimize the things you have to do in the morning.
Does blow drying your hair take too long? Wash and dry your hair the nightbefore. Do you find yourself grabbing a quick but unhealthy food item from aconvenience store or end up not having breakfast at all? Prepare the mostimportant meal of the day in advance and pre-pack your lunch baon aswell.  Store single servings of cereal, granola or instant oatmeal inindividual plastic containers and add pre-cut fruit the night before. Keeppre-cut ingredients (mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, etc.) ready in a zip lockbag so they will be all set to be tossed on to the pan with eggs for quick omelettes.If there leftovers from dinner you’d like for lunch the next day, set themaside in containers you can grab and go.

4.     Plan your daily wardrobe ahead of time (including undies).
Most women waste precious time deciding what to wear. If possible, lay out yourwardrobe for the entire week.  Then, hang the blouse you intend to wear onMonday next to the trousers you plan to wear it with. Don’t forget to includethe cardigan, belt, other accessories and yes, even the appropriate underwearfor your outfit.  (What’s the point of planning your clothes ahead of timeif you’ll eventually end up scouring your underwear drawer for the nude lacecamisole that goes well with your sheer top?).    

5.     Organize and edit the contents of your dresser.
Lay out daily beauty products in the order that you use them, instead of havingthem randomly scattered in a drawer. 

6.     Gas up and prepare toll money ready the day before.
You may even go the extreme of preparing and keeping the exact amount inindividual envelops or a segmented purse. Not having to wait for change cansave you a few minutes on the road.

7.      Review your floor plan and rearrange your furniture.
This may sound absurd at first, but time is wasted by a house that’sinefficiently laid out. Clear high-traffic areas such as hallways and foyersfrom anything that blocks your movement. In your bedroom, keep similarfurniture together. For example, it’s best to have your closet, shoe cabinetand full length mirror close to one another instead of having them located onopposite sides of the room. Otherwise, you may find yourself going back andforth or retracing your steps to access, say, the

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